Thursday, 23 February 2012

Jamer gets skateable memorial

Celebrated tattoo artist and legendary skateboarder will get the memorial he deserves! A skate-able feature at the Vic West Skate Park will memorialize Jamer and his efforts in skateboarding community. Not only that but I am so very sure it will be there to be decorated with graffiti.... This is a fine example of a community coming together to remember a person how THEY would want to be remembered.... We have been talking a lot about the context in which a body is found. If there are grave goods are they of the person or their family? I had a friend who was no doubt as prolific as Jamer (and also a friend of his) who died in the late nineties of suicide. He was an amazing graffiti artist and mentally suffered horribly from schitzophrenia.  The service was in a church and shrouded in religion. I don't think this is what Hanz would have wanted.... It was for his family and not for him. That does not make it wrong but brings up a lot of questions like who is the funeral for? The family deserves to grieve how they want and suffers as well.... But it was hard for the friends of Hanz that knew this is not what he would have wanted... or was it?

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